Monday, April 21, 2008

Celtic Thunder

My husband and kids have been telling me about a new group of singers from Ireland. Although they know I'm not usually impressed by modern music, they persuaded me to watch a youtube video performance by the youngest, Damien McGinty. Believe it or not, I watched the entire video, amazed by his stage presence and ability to sing. Then I watched four or five other songs. It was refreshing--understandable words, songs that actually said something. These singers used the English language as it was meant to be used, as a carrier for ideas and passions; they did not merely tear language into strips and fragments of random thoughts, throw them into a blender, turn it on high and add a few screams. No. They sang: Love songs, patriotic songs, and funny songs that were not about alleys, addictions, killing cops, or seducing Satan. The songs were not meant to repel or make anybody want to beat his or her head against the floor. People of all ages in the video audience were caught smiling. I was smiling too.
Maybe people are asking for sanity in music once again.
Is the emperor wearing clothes...finally?


Carina said...

I'll have to check it out.

aftergrace said...

He has such a beautiful voice, that you for the link.

Anonymous said...

They truly are a great group. I've seen them on TV several times and I can't seem to change the channel when they're on.