Saturday, August 10, 2013

Green and Growning

Due to recent rains, the grass is green and growing,
so even though it's August--Guess who's still mowing.
The dusty Deadwood Forest has turned into a jungle
And Tomato Garden Tangle is a topsy-turvy tumble
There's dew-drops on the crabgrass that lines the Eastern Heights
And the Southern Slopes resemble those slippery water slides.
I bogged down briefly in the mud on the level Cedar Flats
And the Western Front was deadly due to run-off ruts and tracks
But I sang my way through mowing as I chopped each grassy lane
It's a small price to pay for a summer full of rain!

p.s. No, that is not my yard. That's somebody's farm. My yard only FEELS that big when I'm mowing. I did name all the sections of my real lawn which looks more like this.