Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday Seven

There were seven of us in children's church today--six little ones and me. We prayed for three grandparents who were sick, one cousin in Iraq, and a puppy. Then we had a discussion about different ministries in the church and which one each child wanted to do. I know they are probably too young for this, but they were attentive and even tried to pick what they wanted. One said she would make a good teacher; another said he was more of a "one on one friend" kind of guy--that's the one in the picture. Another said he would be an "apostle" because he was daring and liked doing new things. One said he really felt like he would be good at any of the gifts. That's the difference between children and teenagers, or adults for that matter. We are afraid to admit what our gifts are for fear that someone will actually put us in a position to use them. They just offer them freely.

We finished with a Bible quiz game. They were in teams of two. The winning team exited whispering to me--we got ten! The team who came in second were both saying loudly, "We're second" "We got eight!" and the third place team was smiling and very proud as they handed me their seven cards--"We got seven!" Nobody was upset that they didn't win. No pouting or sniffling. What a great way to end a Sunday morning service.


Carina said...

Wish I could always say that I left church with no pouting or sniffling.

aftergrace said...

I'm with babystepper, sometimes I do a bit of pouting, myself. :)

myrtle beached whale said...

very clever post.