Saturday, May 23, 2015

More Misty Moistiness

 I've never seen a more misty moisty May than the one we are having now. It's so humid outside the window panes are cloudy, and for Western Oklahoma, that's surreal. Drip drip after day. On my walk today, I took lots of pictures of this little town in the fog and not the sunshine and wind which is the norm.  Just a few years ago we were caught in a severe drought, so this is welcome water. Yes, the crops are probably gone...but the lakes are almost back to normal. We will survive it...and meanwhile I'm loving these perfect temperatures and cozy reading hours.
Here's the grain elevator, rising into the mists and fading on top.

All the little dingy, murky wadis have become creeks with fast running water. Several days ago, we looked out our front door toward the end of the street and saw this:

That's the creek that runs under a small bridge at the end of our street. It barricaded the driveways of the two houses next to ours but didn't come close to our yard. It's a good thing too. We might have been house bound--or sitting on the roof waiting for a helicopter...well that's unheard of in this part of the world.

Here's that creek several blocks on down the road...
just raging by and headed for the local park.

Where it has a tendency to back up onto the lawn. We're still thrilled at this point. Our ground was dry even at twelve feet down. This will help.
This morning in the drizzle there was no fear of flooding--that's all rushed away and the town is hushed and happy.  On artists' row the houses smile in their wet, faded paint. No need to work on a yard today, or fix a roof.

 The lawns and trees are loving it.
The tallest buildings just letting it drape their heads in a soporific cloud of blur.

Everybody's snuggled up indoors.

And I am too.
I think I'll go ride my stationary bike and watch another episode of Nero Wolfe.

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