Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Imaginary Friends

We keep a little red dress hanging in the guest room closet. It's my granddaughter Mim's dress, and she insists on wearing it the entire time she is here. Last Saturday she also found a pair of antlers laying on the couch (I'm not sure where they came from, but perhaps they spawned in the attic) Anyway, Mim is a real video enthusiast, and wants to perform every time she sees my camera. Here are a couple of cute interviews. The first one is about doll babies and imaginary friends.

In the second, she says the books of the New Testament and sings Amazing Grace. If you know Mim, you might like to see them.


aftergrace said...

She's such a darling, and with such a sweet voice!

Marguerite said...

What an adorable little gal!

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