Friday, November 7, 2008

Birds of a Feather...

One last comment about Rob Bell and Velvet Elvis.

When it is difficult to tell what an author believes, one way to determine that is to consider the people he or she recommends in the book. I followed several of the links. They speak for themselves. If you want to see what I'm talking about, go check this one out:

Anne Lamott

Understand, I am not attacking everything that is good with emergents; I believe that many of them do love God. What I am trying to do here is offer some explanation for my resistance to joining and supporting this movement wholesale.

The scriptures warn us to be careful in our beliefs, to avoid false teachers, and to guard against apostasy. I would be remiss to avoid the subject because it causes controversy.

Recently, I've discovered a lot of people who share my feelings about this. Here are three sites I found helpful.

One of the best books I've found on this subject is a book by Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck called "Why We're Not Emergent (By two guys who should be)". If you are going to read Emergent books, you owe it to yourself to read this one. I'm amazed at how many times these two authors wrote something that addressed my very concerns. It seems not all younger people are being naively swept away by this precursor to a worldwide religion--one predicted, oddly enough, in Revelation and given as a sign for the last days: One world economic system, one world government, one world religion. No wonder it makes me nervous. It should make you nervous too.

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