Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Away Games--ah the bliss!

Well, how wonderful is this! I'm already home. It's light outside. I still have enough energy to do laundry.
"What!" you say? "How did it happen? No volleyball games? No concession stands?"
"Not for a whole week," I answer gleefully. It's called 'away games'. Mmmm.

Furthermore, I actually had time during the day today to use my planning time for working on lesson plans and grading. (a good thing since I'm a week behind on both...and it's only the second full week of school).

Turtle called and said he is going to pick up something rotisseried at Homeland. I said I would love that--whatever it is--although I hope it isn't iguana or octopi.

So laundry sounds pretty tame. I'm so stoked I'm even going to vacuum the den. Hooray.

P.S. You've heard the phrase: "Don't knock yourself out." You thought it was kind of preposterous right? You should see the lump on the side of my head. (In a week I've: slipped on a cube of ice on the concession stand floor and twisted my knee falling; slid in a puddle of water in the hall--our school roof leaks--and sailed all the way to the floor with my armload of books; and (the dumbest) whacked myself in the side of the head with the back door of the school suburban. Deft, adroit, graceful--that's me.)


aftergrace said...

You've had quite the time lately,
maybe tonight you should just curl up with a good book, and a cup of tea.

Carina said...

It sounds like the kids won't recognize you next time we see you!