Friday, July 18, 2008

Zucchini Baby

I feel very fortunate to receive fresh vegetables
from time to time in the summer even though I don't
tend a garden. My friends bring from the overflow...zucchini,
yellow crook-neck squash, acorn squash, potatoes,
real green beans, cucumbers, and, occasionally,
true tomatoes--the dark red kind that aren't mushy or mealy--
but I do have to admit that not every single veggie
suffers the fate of the oven or the frying pan.
You see. I have grandchildren who visit.

Meet Zucchini Baby, who single-handedly managed to entertain two pre-schoolers for an hour and a half. They dressed her, rocked her, gave her a bath, listened to her heart beat, and took her little blood pressure. I dragged this old doll bed of their mother's down from the attic, and there she sleeps still.

Shhhh! Nevermind. Her eyes are open now.


Johanna said...

lol! That's so cool.

Carina said...

And lest you think this craziness of my mother's is recent...

I remember several squash babies from my childhood. They were no less loved.

aftergrace said...

These are some of the funniest photos I have seen for awhile. Things are sure entertaining at your place.