Sunday, January 11, 2009

The 200th Post

I've been blogging just over a year, and today I noticed that this would be the 200th post.
Well, since this is a milestone, I should have something dramatic to say.
Something witty.
Something apropos.

Well, this is the only thing that comes to my mind: "I can't believe I have actually written this much stuff--silly and serious; well-thought out and spontaneous; lyrical and stilted; meaningful and trivial; for a broad audience and for a narrow one (sometimes only for myself and it would have better been left in my mind and not on the internet blackboard for the world to read).

I tried to archive the whole blog, so I wouldn't lose it in a crash, and it proved difficult.
Just imagine if all the conversations we had were archived like their entirety, no corrections or "I thought better's".
What a silly mess for God to sort through...that's what I say.

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, Oh Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer!"


aftergrace said...

Oh yes, I know exactly what you are talking about. Sometimes I feel like I'm revealing all to the world. I find what you say to be very interesting. I really do enjoy your blog. The world would be a dull place without it!

Lilibeth said...

Well thanks. That's rather lavish, but I'm glad you enjoy it. I guess when I started reading all the family blogs, it gave me an incentive. . . although I must admit, it's easier to just read yours and everyone else's and enjoy them than it is to write. Some days, I just don't have the inspiration.

Carina said...

Welcome to the club. (The struggling-to-find-inspiration club that is.)

I'm on post 475 and I still haven't archived anything. I'm going to have to sit down and figure that out someday.

Andy Sewina said...

Yeah nicely, the 200th post is quite a milestone!

Catherine Denton said...

How cool that your 200th and Sunday Scribblings 200 landed on the same day!

Old Egg said...

I certainly hoped you managed to archive all your writing in the end. It is a gift you and many more have been given, it would be sad to lose it.

Anonymous said...

I used to dread my computer crashing and losing all my stuff. I keep a back-up of everything on disc now though. It saves a lot of worry.

keiths ramblings said...

You prompted me to look at my post count and I was allarmed to find it pretty close to 600! I always print a copy of everything I write, and I'm fast running out of shelf space!I so enjoyed your piece, it made me think!

anthonynorth said...

I know what you mean about archiving. Everything I write is in Word, downloaded to my memory stick and even emailed to myself - oh, and I print off a hard copy.
I think I've got every eventuality covered :-)

Stan Ski said...

Who was it who said 'Don't try to remember it - write it down'...?

Nara Malone said...

You had me checking my post count too. I'm 6 posts away from 100. So you found twice as much to say as I did over the past year. I enjoy your blog.

Dee Martin said...

I think I would really hate to have every conversation I've had archived. Poor God, to have to listen to some of the nonsense. Congrats on your 200th post :)

linda may said...

Congratulations on your milestone 200th post.There would be so much drivel if I archived all of my conversations. Hahaha.